Archive for December, 2010

The Last Present

It was the last of the presents that Bobby opened.  It wasn’t under the tree, instead Santa decided to hide it behind the sofa.  A final surprise on a mild December morning.  This one’s large cardboard box was wrapped in a piecemeal of old newspaper.  The absence of a big bow or bright, new wrapping paper only piqued his curiosity.  After his father pulled it from behind the old leather sofa, Bobby shouted in delight at seeing that the box was almost larger than he.

Bobby was an only child.  His mother worked full-time busing tables at a local diner and his father worked three times a week stocking shelves after he had been laid off at his day job as a construction worker.  The family was facing hard times.  A lower-income family being slowly drowned by the recession.  This year’s Christmas was bare bones.  The presents were mostly used, the tree’s only decorations were some tinsel and a paper star that Bobby had made in art class.  Dinner was going to be a box of fried chicken.  Bobby’s parents did their best to hide their troubles from him, knowing that his innocence would be lost all too soon anyway.  His mother’s salary barely covered rent, so his father had pawned off his tools and agreed to cover for his co-worker for the week, just so they could put some presents under the tree.

As Bobby began to rip the newspaper away, the words Radio Flyer slowly emerged.  This one present,unlike the others, was new and gleaming, the result of a cash advance from Bobby’s father’s boss in return for working on the holidays.  Bobby managed the tape with a pair of scissors and his father helped him remove the wagon from the box.  As his shouts of joy filled the small house, his parents let themselves forget, just for a moment, the struggles that were sitting like a pits in their stomachs.  They would remember this moment for the rest of their lives.  It would be the last time they were together as a happy family.

With his father and mother hand in hand behind him Bobby headed out to the sloping sidewalk in front of the house with his red wagon in tow.  He ran part way up the sidewalk, pointed the wagon toward his house, pulled his legs into the wagon and coasted down to his dad waiting to stop him.  After a few times his father taught him how to stop by using his feet as brakes.  Bobby rushed up the sidewalk again and much to his delight found that he could indeed stop by himself right in front of the house.  With his mom watching him, his father went back inside to grab a coat and hat for him so he could continue to play in the crisp winter air.

Ten years later, alone and somewhere at the bottom of a bottle Bobby’s father still blamed himself.  Blamed himself for leaving. Blamed himself for not saying I love you. Blamed himself for buying that damn wagon.  Mother blamed herself as well. Blamed herself for not stopping him. Blamed herself for not being able to see him grow into a man.  She too alone with her substance.  They remembered that he was no longer here and clung to that one short moment when they were a happy family.

The chilling wind rushed past his face tearing up his eyes and filling his ears with a hollow whistle.  The tires on the wagon jumped along at a great speed making a vibration that tickled his feet and rattled his jaw.  He laughed so hard his sides hurt.  For Bobby, this was the happiest moment of his life.


Silence Between Lovers

A sea of buildings stream by
touching upon my eye like wind from a butterfly’s wings.
Awaiting my caress is a lonely pen
sitting idly on the stationary in my lap.
So many mornings unveil the same, sad story of us
bound by silence and passion.
A can of coffee is slowly emptied.
The train approaches its final stop
and words intended to be expressed between lovers
go unspoken,
lost to a day that may never come.

The Lists in My Life

Well, it has been far too long since my last blog update.  The truth is I just can’t bring myself to write.  I want to write, but the words are not coming forth.  So in lieu of creative writing or focusing on any of my essays-in-progress I figured I would just give an update on my life and whats going on. (This is mostly for me to feel productive.)


Its been busy but its straightforward and not particularly challenging.  For those of you that don’t know, I teach English at a middle school in Japan.  I wake up early go to bed early.

Planing the move back to Telluride

This is very stressful.  Everything that needs to be done is large task in-and-of-itself. Heres the breakdown:

  • Get my wifes visa.

This includes many steps….

1)Fill out all papers (some questions are seemingly impossible like, ‘List every place you have lived in the last 10 years’ and ‘every job and address from the last 5 years’)

2)Schedule an appointment and hand deliver all ‘flawless’ papers to the Tokyo office (the trip to Tokyo from Osaka for two people will cost around 150-200 USD one way depending on mode of transportation)

3)Attend interview sometime shortly after papers have been handed in and pay the 420 USD processing fee.

4)After and unknown amount of time my wife needs to return to Tokyo for a final interview.

  • Get my sons social security number and passport.
    This isn’t too hard, just costs a lot (200 USD)
  • Find a job stateside.
    This is proving to be very hard considering I don’t have a definitive date for the move, I don’t specialize in anything, the job markets not so hot at home, and the contract system used in Japan doesn’t look good on a resume in the states (all contracts are less than a year)
  • Find a place to live.
    Hard for obvious reasons and leads to questions like where would the family stay in the interim period.
  • Decide what is coming and what stays behind.
    More importanly…What to do with the things that stay behind?
  • Find a way to ship everything back.
    Again this will probably cost way too much.
  • Save money.
    Not going so badly, but have to balance saving money and paying off debts/bills.



Things are going well between my wife and I albeit stress on all fronts.  The stress is mostly coming from her mother (which I might go into  some detail in a later post) and the prospect of moving to America.  Although we are both working and pretty tired/edgy these days we are taking everything with a grain of salt.  Our communication skills are always being challenged and therefore always getting better.  Still we have lots of progress to be made.  Our most handsome son is growing fast and learning about the world around him.  He is a true gem and keeps my wife and I in check.  The way he learns about the world is fascinating and inspiring.  It seems that he picks up every little thing that we do (sometimes this is not a good thing).  His vocabulary is ever-expanding and the current list (yes its still small enough to make a list of) is as follows:

(Italics denote baby pronunciation, ie. unintelligible unless you are me or my wife)

  • Itsy-Bitsy (you know….the spider)
  • ball
  • thank you (sounds like ‘tane too’)
  • bye-bye
  • hai (Japanese for ‘yes’)
  • bread/banana (it seems he uses the same word interchangeably for these)
  • wan-wan (Japanese baby word for ‘dog’)
  • nya-nya (Japanese baby word for ‘cat’)
  • zou-san (Japanese for ‘elephant’/ sounds like he ‘dou-san’)
  • bu-bu (Japanese baby word for ‘car’)
  • papa
  • mama

All in all we are nurturing a strong loving family unit and everything we do is with the family in mind.


Leisure/Down Time

Not much of it really.  Like I have previously mentioned, I want to write, but find it hard to do so.  In sticking with my list format that has taken over my blog here are the leisure activities that I have been doing or want to do.

  • I have been trying my hand at crossword puzzles with limited success.  I find them fun and challenging, but sometimes too obscure.
  • I want to go see the new Harry Potter, but lack of time and money (one movie ticket in Japan runs 20 USD) have prevented me from doing so yet.
  • The lack of exercise lately is really taking its toll. I need at least 7 hours a week.  The most I get now is from my 15 minute bike ride to work. (It’s all uphill at least)
  • Wish I could be learning to play my bass and/or play on an ukulele.  This would be easier if I had a practice amp.
  • Downloading movies.  I sometimes sacrifice a few hours of sleep in order to watch a movie at home (thank you
  • Learning to flip a pen around my thumb. This is harder than it looks and for those of you that know me the pen has to circumnavigate a huge thumb.
  • Reading.  I have had time, but not a book. I have DFW’s Infinite Jest, but its life consuming and I cant dedicate the necessary time to it.  So I have made a list of authors/books I want to check out. Sorry…

Thomas Pynchon
Don Delillo
Paul Auster
Salman Rushdie
David Mitchell
Robert A. Heinlein
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

  • And of no surprise to you….Making lists. To Read:, Likes:, Dislikes:, Online Magazines:, People I See Every Day:.  (I’m sure there is got to be some psychological reason like needing order in my life or something.)

Its getting cold here in Osaka.  I don’t mind the cold, but cold without snow and skiing I just don’t see the point.  Japanese people always boast about how Japan has four seasons (and yes they are surprised to find out that other places do to), but they are probably the worst four seasons I could imagine.  In Osaka winter has no snow, summer is too hot and humid, and spring and fall are too short.  Bottom line is, I need to get out of the city.  I long for fresh air in my lungs.  Sometimes being constantly surrounded by some 17,000,000 people isnt so fun.

Minstrels in the Forest

words dribble out
teasing at something more
drops of seduction
waiting to ensnare
those hungry and drunk with curiosity
sink teeth into shadow
masticating the marrow of my mind
sounds of consumption from afar
vindicate every stroke
the mist, both friend and foe
a thief in the night
steals without notice
only to bequeath gifts of singular beauty
eternal, dense, and delicate as a cloud
the souls of the givers are devoured by the ravenous ones
all have played their rolls
satisfaction around the table
minstrels in the forest
dancing to their own melody
eager eyes and ears
or silence just the same
their craft endures
crashing waves of nothing
for come now the lyrics
to placate our fears
with peace found in scribbles on parchment
a friend in a strangers mind